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12 Weeks to Grab Ahold Of Your GREAT BIG POWERFUL LIFE

You know you're made for bigger things. You feel it deep in your soul. The mediocre, autopilot life is not for you. You're done with the control that self-doubt has had on you. You're done with the limitations that fear has kept you under. You're ready for a BIG, POWERFUL, WILDLY SATISFYING life, and you're not letting anything, especially your overthinking mind, hold you back anymore. 

You know you can be a POWERHOUSE, and you're ready to claim it...

Hi, We're Allison and Bekah.

Here’s the truth about Life: 
You have to choose it, or it will be chosen for you.

We know what it's like to feel at the mercy of everything, especially the battle in your own mind

We understand what it's like to get to the end of the day feeling like you're not enough... and you haven't done enough... and time is ticking on all the big, bold dreams inside you.

Do you push yourself to new levels... yet still feel held down by self-doubt?

Do you deeply believe you were meant for SO much more... yet still feel incapable of overcoming all your fears?

Are you scared of facing a list of 'what could have beens' when you look back on life?

We relate SO HARD to all that, because that was us..

Here's what we found...

Everything that holds you back are all HABITS OF SMALLNESS.

You WERE made for bigger things.

You CAN have an extraordinary, big, life of greatness and wild satisfaction.


Here's the missing piece:

In order to grab ahold of your GREAT BIG LIFE, you need to energetically rewire your system, holistically, at a cellular level.

Yes! Gimme All That!

If you’ve been doing the mindset work but still find yourself…

👉 Yearning to connect to a deep sense of purpose & fulfillment
👉 Wanting deep, meaningful connections with other women
👉 Wavering in self trust and confidence
👉 Doubting you have something valuable to offer the world
👉 Or struggling to believe you have the power to create the life you want

The PowerHouse Collective is for you.
In it, we take you on a 12 Week
 deep-dive journey to revolutionize the way you see yourself, believe in yourself and show up for yourself. 

You’ll tap into parts of you that you've abandoned. You’ll learn to create practices that reconnect you to your body, ground your mind, and open up your spiritual awareness.
We walk you through how to TRULY connect to the version of you who already feels completely confident, more than enough, successful, significant, and unconditionally worthy.  

You’ll upgrade your identity at a core level and see yourself in a whole new light. You’ll learn how to receive support that will catapult you into your desires quickly and easily.

You were made for this. 
In your clearest moments, you get glimpses of the woman you sense you can be and what’s possible for you.
All you need is the willingness to unlock your power.
Are you ready?

Come get the life you were made for...

How we learned to claim our inherent greatness, without fear, and without holding ourselves back


I trust myself to say what I need to say. I give others responsibility, and trust them with themselves... I feel calm and peaceful. This is changing how I’m eating, resting, moving, sleeping, everything I’m doing. I’m more than ok. I’ve never felt this way before. It feels like YES, I get it now!


🚫 It's not traditional mindset work...

🚫 It's not getting more disciplined or forcing change..

🚫 It's not trying to figure it all out yourself and getting repeatedly pulled down by the inner voices...

✅ It's learning to see and embody a powerful identity, so you can take motivated, courageous movement towards everything you desire

✅ It's learning to alchemize your frustrations and blocks, so you work WITH your fears, your past, and your doubts instead of bypassing them

✅ It's being held up in love, supported from every angle, and ACTIVATED, so growth comes with ease and flow

👉👉👉 You ENERGETICALLY REWIRE yourself within a SPACE that shows you howholds you accountable to it, and lights the fire inside you over and over and over.

Now I know how to make decisions for myself without feeling derailed by everyone around me

I’ve grown so much in my positive mindset… I know I can reach my goals and enjoy the journey.

I learned how to have a choice in the response I'm having. I know how to not be in reaction-mode.

I’m so much more confident! Now I’m able to make decisions for myself without worrying about getting others’ input 

or what they’ll think.

I am so much stronger mentally and emotionally. I feel more brave and connected to myself than I ever thought was possible.  


I have a fire to grab onto life again. I didn't even know it was missing for so long because I allowed everything to pile on me. I'm learning life really is whatever I decide!



I don't sugarcoat things now. I'm more real, and I have a better attitude. I feel more self-confident and I'm learning not to overthink things. 

I used to struggle focusing my thoughts... it made me feel all over the place and frustrated. Now I know how to be in control, and what to do to make my life better.

I used to mentally beat myself up all the time. Now I know how to love  and take care of me, which has opened up my ability to dream again. Life has so much more promise.